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Going Beyond the Inbox: How direct mail can help you achieve your marketing goals

Written by:
Chelsea Peek

A recent study found that combining print and digital makes campaigns 400% more effective.

Sure, purely digital campaigns still have their place but when combined with a fine-tuned mix of direct mail and print ads the results can be phenomenal. With print ads taking 21% less cognitive effort to process, it’s no surprise the success of multi-channel marketing is growing. In this blog we will cover the benefits and best practices of utilising direct mail in your campaigns.

The Power of Direct Mail in Modern Marketing

Traditional print marketing still firmly holds its place in a world where we are constantly surrounded by digital channels. The only difference now is that it is only made more powerful by working in conjunction with other channels. In a busy world where we are constantly bombarded by video and sound, print can stand alone. Yes you might still be distracted by the kids or the dog when you collect your post from your letterbox but it’s much less likely. The advantage direct mail has, when done correctly is that it physically lands in the hands of your target audience. The tangibility of something physical that has been personalised, printed with your name in the copy feels somehow like receiving a letter from an old friend. It feels intentional, like you’re speaking only to them. It isn’t a mass email sent to everyone, your brand wants to speak to them.

Target audience is key - but we didn’t need to tell you that.

It goes without saying direct mail is likely to be more costly than a digital campaign which means that you will want to ensure you are tailoring your message to the right demographic with segmented mailing lists in accordance with your campaign and goals. Your data lists are your best friend when it comes to email marketing, direct mail is no different.

Design captures attention.

Hand in hand with your messaging is the design, what sparks interest in one demographic might not in another, use this to your advantage. The design should follow a brand-approved visual language as well as create a memorable experience that joins together your print and digital efforts. It should be immediately recognizable as not only your brand but part of the overall campaign. Part of this design should include a link to your digital presence, whether that’s a dedicated landing page, website or social media.

Ensure you have the ability to measure the success of your direct mail campaign.

Personalised url’s and QR codes can help you to measure how many scans or visits a page has received, making it easier to measure results. A seamless user experience will ultimately only strengthen your campaign further so ensuring the mobile version of your landing page or website is the best it can be, ties the digital with the print together effortlessly.

Tips for success.

We know budget is a huge part of your direct mail strategy, negotiating bulk rates with printers and postage service providers is a must. Get in touch to find out how we can help with this. Keep the environment impact in mind - eco-friendly paper stock, envelopes and postage services are all available. A reminder to your recipients to recycle your direct mail goes a long way too! Research has shown these three questions are at the front of mind when someone receives mail; Who is this letter from? What do they want from me? What’s in it for me? Remembering these three questions means your mailer is less likely to go unopened.

Sparked some ideas for your next multi-channel campaign? Get in touch to see how we can help with printing, design and fulfilment.

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